Recently our Technical Director, Mark Povey, and Deputy Data Protection Officer, Larisa Munteanu, were invited to share their deep expertise in all things data protection on the Legal IT Group webinar.
Catch up over a coffee here. It covers areas such as:
1. Who are we? What do we do and what’s our experience in personal data protection?
2. What drives us in the privacy industry?
3. What is the main privacy act in the UK? Are there other related laws?
4. What is the connection between the EU GDPR and the UK GDPR? Anything essential to be taken into consideration when entering the UK market?
5. Are there other global regulations that have an impact on UK companies, in terms of data protection?
6. Discussing the UK Supervisory Authority and it’s advice.
7. Fines in the UK. What are the most interesting cases in which they were imposed?
8. Can we share our experience in working with DSARs in the UK?
9. DPO role in UK business. What are the main challenges?
10. Any trends or predictions in UK privacy regulation(s) for 2022?
If you have questions about what you’ve heard here or would like to discuss something relating to your own organisation in more detail, please get in touch.